In just under a week, the dark days of the age 27 will be over. Just when I thought the worst was behind me, it managed to squeeze in as many disappointments as possible. What I mean is, in the last two weeks of this disastrous age, I managed to get kicked out of my band. I don't know exactly what went wrong, but I sensed one person in particular was a strong advocate in my removal. But do not fear, I am still friends with members of the band and it's not like music has been wiped out from my life as you will read in the remainder of this blog.
So what's been happening May? Thanks for asking friends and fans. This month I've read two books (both Chicken Soup for the Soul Editions), watched seven movies (Doctor Strange being my favourite) and I set the following three goals:
1. Sell and Distribute Zombie Bro
2. Join a Choir
3. Study Social Work
Zombie Bro has finally passed it's second quality control test so I can finally move on to the other tasks required by the distributor. Let's get this baby signed in my birthday month. Wouldn't that be lovely!
I have successfully joined the QPAC choir run by my All Hallows' music teacher, Timothy Sherlock. We recently had a ten year reunion, at which someone mentioned he runs the QPAC choir and *glitter* now I am back in his musical care. I was also lucky enough to be chosen to be apart of the smaller Chamber choir that does occasional private events as well as sings with the QPAC choir. If you love singing and want to get back into it, I highly recommend auditioning for Tim's choir. He's fast, strict and precise but he sure does make some beautiful choral music. Our first concert is on the 6th May and it's a collection of Jazz through the ages.
I've also started studying Social Work. Yes! Life goal! The first week went by quite easily and then I found a tab that said 'required reading' in all the unit outlines and now I am already behind. This semester I am taking Aboriginal studies, Social Work, Sociology and Psychology. I've already got two assignments due next week and these chapters take so effing long to read. But seriously, I like it. I've met heaps of people that all want to make the world a better place and I get to see one of my best friends regularly because he is on campus too. Also, I've found the recording studio room and will be making some sort of podcast in my free time, suggestions are welcome.
This month's allocated goals are:
1. Sell and Distribute Zombie Bro (Let's wrap it up)
2. Buy a car/ get a manual licence (I really want a cheap Volkswagen beetle)
3. Go to Pub Choir (March 26th)
4. Rooftop Party for my birthday (An exclusive board games night with family)
I'm shaving my hair off! World's Greatest Shave is from 11-15 March but technically I am allowed to do it whenever. So with the support of my workplace, we will be raising $1000 for the leukaemia foundation. While you may not be able to attend the event (for child protection reasons, etc), I'll post up a before and after and you'll feel good about donating for a good cause. You can also claim it on your tax return.
And I believe that's it friends and family. See you in April with no hair on my head!
xx May