www.MayGrehan .com

May Grehan - Acting Reel

**Award Winning** Sci-Fi Short Film : "The Army Within" - by Andy Sutton | TheCGBros
Pop-Up Trailer
Paul the Rabbit
May is currently unrepresented. You can contact her at may.grehan@gmail.com
...Especially if you are an agent, manager or and/or casting director.
The Actor
When young May was asked "What do you want to be when you grow up?", she rolled her eyes and said "Duh. I'm going to an actor. Isn't it obvious?!" It was. And she is.
Grehan made her professional stage debut playing Martha in Spring Awakening at the Queensland Performing Arts Centre in 2011.
Since then she has toured theatre shows around Australia and made appearances in TV shows "Untold Stories of the ER" (TLC) and "Old School" (Matchbox Pictures).
In Toronto, May starred alongside Valter Skarsgarde in "Don't Click" (Vortex Pictures) and the comedy short "Bait & Switch" won best International Comedy both at the LA Comedy Film Festival and the Austin Comedy Short Film Festival.
May has trained with Groundlings, NIDA and with numerous acting coaches in Los Angeles and Sydney.