It’s August time which only means one thing… I have 8 days until I head of on my Europe adventure. But before I get to ahead of myself let me tell you what acting biz I got up to last month.

‘The Cottonwood Fence’ has finished filming. This wonderful ‘Hunger Games’esk film was shot at various locations around Sydney and now we just wait for it to edited and handed in for the final product. Congrats Kylee Hartman and everyone involved. It’s been a long process but the hardest part is over. :)
I played a bit part in Matthew George’s ‘Roommates’. It’s based on his experiences in renting and has a very ‘American Pie’ feel to it. I was only required for two nights on this shoot and got to hang out with some pretty cool people, including TAFTA friend Claire Calderwood. 'Magical Mystery Tour' by far was the funnest film set I’ve been on all the year. The cast were hilaire, the crew was hilaire and I of course was the most hilaire of all. Floating Maze Productions wrapped after a quick four days of shooting and will be doing the festival circuit once it’s all finished up.
The Likewise Improv Women of Festival finished up at the Hive Bar at the end of July and I had a blast. Who says women aren’t funny? Because they are! Especially at improv! Am looking forward to playing with these girlies again as well as checking out the Arthur B's show run by the awesome Pete Lead.
If you haven’t seen my head popping up on your newsfeed recently you are probably an awful person because last week was DonateLife Week and friend, Lauren Rowe released some funny sketches on ‘Things Transplant Recipients Never say'. It’s to support the cause as well as her charity Gifted Life. If you look closely you can see me squeezing my tummy and having a cry over her shoulder.
Taya and I joined forces to make a funny little scene in partnership with Showreels Australia in June and the final product is here to share. If you are looking for a new showreel, they write the scripts, organise the DOP, music and edit it all. It’s very quick and the footage looks divine.

You know when you write a scene and you want to film it but you don’t know who to cast in the role opposite? Use your best friend! She’s free and she will do anything you ask her to do due to these friend cards also ask your other best friend/ housemate to film the thing. That’s what I did. It’s all edited now but needs that final touch of music – which my brother being related to me has to do. #budgetfilmmaking

Onto this month… I’m dying my hair! RED! But not Ariel red… more of a Debra Messing red or Julia Roberts/ Drew Barrymore colour. Some say it will pigeonhole me for roles but I say ‘what roles?’. Also I really can’t think of celebrities with curly hair without radiant red locks… so maybe it will help. Other than that I’ll be taking a break for a while from all the acting adventures, but if you are interested in hearing about my travelling have a listen to the Maizie & May podcast of our European adventures.

Thanks for reading this far. I’ll write to you when I get back.
Lots of love, May Grehan