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It's June. What? How? When?

Updated: Jan 20, 2019

Well here we are again. Another month has gone and the year is just zooming past. One more month and we are halfway through the year! Yes… it’s exciting for those who get tax back and we can pretend we are rich once again but I can’t help but feel that I haven’t achieved enough. This year I have written my goals down clearly and have tried my hardest to fulfil them all but just haven’t found the time. It’s my goal for the next 7 months to knuckle down on all of them, get them done and maybe re-assess them and see what’s more important then the other. Anyway… lets get back to my normal spiel. What Acting did I get up to this month? Well I got right back on the bandwagon of recording scenes because I had a few Self-tests to do. Woohoo! Here’s one I did called ‘Sugar’. I can’t show the actual one because it’s confidential. But it was good. Oh so good. It was nice to get back into it. Although it’s just incredible how much the quality of video affects everything. I did a Scene-A-Week last year and even though there is top-notch acting in all of them, I can’t really use any of them for professional purposes because the quality alone makes it a burden to watch. So do everyone a favour and buy a really expensive camera as an investment or live with a Actor/ Film major.

I had my first Professional Musical audition in a long time. Oh Musicals. Once upon a time I wondered if I would end up becoming a musical theatre star. Silly May. Not at all. I was nervous but ecstatic I didn’t have to do a dance audition first. I learnt the song and nailed the scene at home. Everything was looking great until I got there. Now the song I was singing was not the song that the character I was auditioning for sings. It’s the show-stopping song…. So it’s a big one. I went in having practising it in head voice, very sincerely and decided what the heck let's belt the damn thing. DO NOT EVER BELT THE DAMN THING. Nerves got the better of me. I thought I’m not singing this well enough. I’m not impressing them. Belt Belt BELT. What did that do? Ruin everything. I didn’t practise it belting. I am not a belter. Sure from time to time I can but not for a whole 3 minute long show-stopping song. Anyway… I didn’t get to stay and do my scene. They had seen enough. So it went well I think. I mean apart from me destroying the show-stopping song. So my tip? Don’t change it up in the audition and/ or give up on musicals (if you don’t want to do them anyway).

Hey! This month the episode of Old School I was in finally aired. I filmed this in June last year and spent the day with Bryan Brown and he was awesome. I also got to meet Kate Box and Sam Neill. Literally the best day ever. Unfortunately they cut out my best line “Can I shag him?” referring to the old ex-crim Lennie. I know, I know it was probably too funny for the series and they would have had to bring me back for the rest of the season. Their loss. It was exciting though to see my name in Credits. It was my first professional acting gig when I moved to Sydney.

Also BIG NEWS is I have been cast as Diarne in the Australian Comedy The Arrangement (go ahead and 'like' the page). The film is about a Muslim guy faking a relationship with his intended to get an Aussie girl to like him. Yeah it’s complicated. It's written, directed and starring MansoorNoor. Don’t worry he is up for the challenge, I mean he’s pretty talented. This giuy graduates from ACA in another month and he’ll be making his way to the top. Better friend him now on facebook before he’s too famous.

It’s a Dole Life, a web-series I am apart of has been nominated in the Second Look Category in the Melbourne Webfest. It will be screened as part of the July Festival. And finally a huge Congratulations to my brother Coleman Grehan for putting on his one-man-show 'Him' at the Anywhere Theatre Festival in Brisbane this month. He got some great reviews and some pretty cool snaps of the show. He still has his Canberra and maybe Sydney shows to go. So if you are around don’t miss it. If that’s not enough promotion… you get to see him in a G-String.

And that’s it from me. I’ll find out in about a week or so if I have gotten a role on an exciting new project but it’s all hush hush for now. Have a wonderful June and start gathering all your old receipts. Let's claim some Tax.

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