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The Annual Birthday Blog

It's March and this year I turned 29 years old. Here's the recap of where I'm at, finishing off the last year in my 20s. I am doing my second year of a five year course at the University of Sunshine Coast studying a Bachelor of Social work and a Bachelor of Criminology and Justice, as well as a completing a diploma of childhood education. I'm working a few days as a childcare educator and doing party gigs when booked. My film has distribution but I'm putting aside all other acting, writing and directing goals while I focus on saving money and my studies.

To celebrate my birthday this year, I took a Waterfall trip to Mount Tambourine with a friend, I played a few pokie machines with Mum on the day and then had a rooftop movie night watching "Coming 2 America" the weekend after. With sparklers and an easy cake (rainbow ice cream tipped over), I got to spend the afternoon with people that have been a constant support for me most of my life. It's times like these, I'm most grateful for family and friends. Oh and I learnt how to ride a motorcycle! What an exciting week!

My university courses began this month and thank goodness for it. I find study very fun and learning about all the career options I can have in the chosen field is very exciting. I've already submitted an assignment and we are only in week three! I recently read a thread on 'She's On The Money' where one of the commenters said that she is a Social Worker and makes $100,000+ a year. What in the hell? I always imagined it payed quite poorly, but my goodness, at that rate I'll own a house in no time! I'm still unsure what I'd like to be, although a School Counsellor and Parole Officer are two roles I would like to investigate further. So far my favourite subject is crime. Maybe I can be a true crime writer and filmmaker by the end of it? Who knows.

'Zombie Bro' is available online on various sites. They haven't released the DVD yet but I'll let you know as soon as they do. Some mornings I wake up to nice little reviews, which is pretty cute. If you haven't already, you can follow us at @zombiebromovie on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. It's all the same posts so only one will do. I've upped my social media game since joining Canva, so as well as seeing photos from the shoot, you can read snippets of reviews I've gotten over the last few years.

Books I've read this month includes 'Girl Mans Up', 'The Icicle Illuminarium' and "I Hold Your Heart'. The last one was about being in a toxic relationship full of love bombing and isolation. Man, it was a good. Nothing like crying into a book. Really therapeutic. It inspired me to get a heap of other books out on the topic of domestic abuse but I also got a selection of junior books and some true crime books too.

Movies I watched were 'Pixie' (5/5, great comedy flick with Irish accents and drug smuggling priests), 'The Marksman' (2/5, a Liam Neeson film), 'The Upside' (4/5, I love Kevin Hart, that's probably why this scored highly), 'Hustlers' (3/5, not my favourite JLo film) and 'Bliss' (1/5, god awful, didn't know what was going on, still don't).

A shout out to my best pal for producing another human this month. She'll get to raise a pisces which is super lucky for her, cos we're good eggs. Aside from that, I've started a new mural at work, I heavily damaged my brothers garage by hoseing down the walls and I'm getting my motorcycle licence very soon.

See you at the start of April!

xx May

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