Shout out to the very important mums in my life including my nearest and dearest; Daphne, who has always been brutally honest and incredibly loyal; my sister Polly, who is a badass woman who has much patience every time her daughter chooses her shoes; to Shekinah, a two-time breeder who is just so god damn good at parenting; and to Bridgette, who celebrates her first official mother's day this year. Lastly, a kudos to me, while I cannot really take any responsibility for him whatsoever, I too celebrate sharing a small part of my genetics to a very healthy and happy boy over the ocean in Canada. Happy Mothers Day you beautiful women!
Since we last spoke, I was very excited to watch Hamilton on my Sydney trip. It was great. I’m glad I watched the Disney version beforehand because I was able to follow the storyline during the musical, and I was shocked to hear that my best friend didn’t even rate my favourite song in the musical, “The Room Where It Happens”. Not one bit. Ridiculous. Anyhow, on that Sydney trip, I did quite a few things. I caught my first Sydney ferry while over there (even ran into a guy I went a date with back in 2013 on the ferry), I had a very nerdy but exciting tour of the Appeals Courts in Sydney (thanks to my aunt) and I have another thing in common with my one-sided friend Will Smith because I climbed the Sydney Harbour Bridge. It was super expensive, but like, it was a bucket list thing and to be expected, it was pretty jaw-dropping. I also ran into an old stage pal who currently tours for the company. Very cute.
This past month, I also attempted to reignite the filmmaking passion again. I did this in two ways. 1) I am part of Australians in Film Untapped Masterclasses, in which we watch and survey seminars with working professionals all over the world. I’ve enjoyed the first two masterclasses so far. It’s nice to hear such different experiences to my own. It’s one of those careers that has no concrete pathway to get to. So just hearing the different stories, is pretty inspirational. 2) I drove up to the Gold Coast for a bunch of weekend seminars at the Gold Coast Film Festival. Reminded me of being at the American Film Market, although that one is like 10 times bigger. It also reminded me of the time, that I was an expert on filmmaking panels. Back in Indianapolis at Gen Con 2019. My lovely friend Kristina homed me and was able to inspire me a little with her pitch documents and film projects since we’d last seen each other. I did get some ideas throughout the seminars, of film projects I could get started. But after being at home for a day or two, I realised that I’m still really tired from Zombie Bro. And if and when I foray back into filmmaking, I want to have a stable income for myself, money that is expendable or financing for the film already sorted. I could have bought a house instead of making Zombie Bro, so while I don’t regret making the film, I will regret making another one if it’s instead of buying a house.
Talking about buying a house. The perfect house popped up again. I’m super into these seven units that all look the same; high roof, exposed beams, natural light, yard facing onto a reserve, brick, brick, and more bricks. The block of units came onto my radar last year because one of them was listed. This is the one that started me thinking about getting a property. It sold pretty quickly but about a week ago, another one of the units popped up and it’s so pretty. Unfortunately, I do not have the savings for it. I mentioned in an earlier blog that quitting my youth work job would mean a compromise on some 2021 goals and this one is a biggie. Any quick rich ideas, that don’t involve drugs or entering the sex work industry? Actually, don’t worry about it. I’ll sort everything out at my local pub because… *drum roll* I won $600 at the pokies last week. Woohoo! I’m joking about the get rich schemes my friends, but I’m not joking about this. Just a PSA though, that I DO NOT have a gambling problem. My mother and I spend a healthy $25 each a week on the machines and do not go over. We are waiting for a big $20,000 to drop on our laps. I’ve seen it happen right next to me… so it’s possible.
The last thing I would like to discuss this fine month of may is that this month I have been struggling with the notion of friends. I have some really, really great friends. The shitty thing is they aren’t all very accessible. A few live here in Brisbane but have complicated lives that I don’t always fit into, a few live inter-state which are down for occasional zoom convos but otherwise occupied and then there are a whole lot of friends that are in completely different countries with different time zones (occasionally in the middle of nowhere like in Costa Rica at some off-the-grid nudist hostel). It’s hard growing up. You have so many friends in primary school and high school. You have a few good friends post-high school, but then you move away again and again and again, and when you come back everyone has moved on, and/or you feel really nervous to catch up with someone you used to connect with a lot. When I moved back to Brisbane in 2019, there were several individuals I reached out to that simply didn’t reply. I don’t blame them, I mean we are all busy and friendships take a lot of energy to commit to, I guess I just wish it was easier. I’m almost 30 and I feel like I didn’t hold on to enough friends along the way. I’m going to miss all those 30th parties, weddings and baby showers because I drifted and it makes me sad. Anyone relate?
Before I go on, I must remind all my creative and actor-y friends that it is time to check your DV Lottery entry into the United States of America. I know it’s not exactly a great time to make abrupt citizenship decisions for a country that denied the realness of Covid-19 for a very long time. But if you weren’t already aware, you've got to be where the work is. So head on to the site to check out your results. For those following at home, this is my ninth year in the draw and once again, it’s a no.

And to wrap up this month's blogs, the books I have read this month include The Dress, Domestic Violence: The Legal Response, A Deadly Business, Quantum and the greatest comic/ junior fiction read, Captain Underpants. Movies I watched included Rush Hour, The Father, Peter Rabbit 2 and an unlikely one for me (and also the incorrect title), the David Attenborough Ants documentary.
Thank you for staying tuned in and reading my blog. See you in June!
XX May