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Big Changes for 2021!

At the start of this year, like every year, I sit down and write down all my most pressing goals on a big goals board, to look at throughout the year and to keep me on track. Well, January has come and gone and this measly month has managed to change quite a few of the goals. I have resigned from the position of Youth Activities & Engagement Officer with a not-for-profit youth service. Aside from never receiving a contract, and not being reimbursed in a timely manner, there was a sense of walking on eggshells in the workplace. I loved my job, engaging with youth, but life experiences have taught me to leave before shit hits the fan.

Unfortunately leaving this job has an avalanche effect on a lot of my other goals because I will have a seriously decreased income. Reassessing the budget tells me that I will not be able to buy a house by the end of 2021. I also may not be able to afford to put on the Zombie Bro Screening in Sydney this year. I won't be joining the Australian Association of Social Workers too because I no longer work in the field and can't find the money for the membership. I will however still be able to invest a chunk and save a chunk, but the amounts are not nearly as much as I'd planned at the start of the year.

So what am I doing now? I'm back at the childcare centre I worked at before. I'll be working two days a week while I head into my second year of a Bachelor in Social Work and Bachelor of Criminology and Justice. I've also started my Diploma in Childhood Education, which has me completing 13 units over 24 months (because I've already gotten my Certificate 3). The diploma will get me a pay rise as well as give me the option to run my own room in a daycare centre, or take a higher position in after school care. That and working occasional babysitting gigs and my own party bookings will be my main income for 2021. I'm also on the lookout to join a band for some singing fun and extra income.

Money woes aside, Zombie Bro has been released! As of January 26th, ZB can be rented or bought via FandangoNOW, Amazon Prime, Apple TV, Vudu, Microsoft, Google Play and DirectTV for an average cost of $5.99. You've heard me rattle on about it for over 4 years, maybe it's time for you to check it out! I've been told by my distributor that it's also been shown on a few US theatre screens! Follow the Zombie Bro Facebook or Instagram accounts for regular posts of reviews, BTS stills of the shoot and anything ZB related. Eventually, I imagine these accounts will turn into 'Liah Liah Films' accounts, so for all my future film endeavours, follow them. You can also visit the official ZB website for more info about the film and please leave a review on any social media platform and tag #zombiebro or @zombiebromovie, so that I can check it out.

In dating news, it's the year for hitting up your exes clearly. I have been a good girl and let dogs lie but two old flames have decided to make an appearance, one more so than the other. One sent a reflective apology for past wrongs which was so kind but also unnecessary. The other has chosen to do one of the absolute worst things in the world, which is liking an old Instagram photo. I'm back on dating sites but I find it so difficult to find anyone attractive without pairing it with a personality, which dating apps can't convey. I am seeing someone regularly though, which has potential. I just need to build up my confidence again before taking the plunge.

Regarding books, I'm in a Junior Fiction phase this year. In January, I read Charmed Bones, a witchy detective novel and The Luna Laboratorium, a story of four children on a hunt to find their missing mother after the war. Good quick reads. I'm reading junior fiction in the hopes that it will inspire me to write my own kids novel in the coming years.

Movie-wise, I watched both the new Jumanji movies again. The Rock and Kevin Hart are just the best. If you never watched this remake for fear of ruining the original. NEWSFLASH: it's not a remake, it's a continuation and it is superbly funny. I also watched Supernova and Event Horizon with a sci-fi obsessed friend. Lastly, I watched Promising Young Women, which was great. The movie didn't stir up too much for me, but the guy I went with seemed very shocked by it. I thought the film did a really good job conveying rape, assault and women issues without explicitly showing things. For me, when movies explicitly show those details, I have a few days of feeling god awful, remembering the scenes vividly and imagining what it would feel like if it was me. This movie stops any of that, which is awesome because the meaning shines through without triggering women all over the world.

I think that's all the T I've got for you this month. Make sure you follow ZB and stay safe,


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